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Sporting KC-Livestrong spat leads to new park name
By Associated Press
Copyright: Associated Press



KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) - The home of Sporting Kansas City has a new name following a disagreement between the Major League Soccer team and the cancer charity founded by Lance Armstrong.


Sporting KC chief executive Robb Heineman says in a statement posted on the team website that Livestrong "is utilizing aggressive tactics designed to force us into an unsatisfactory arrangement." He says the team has decided to drop Livestrong from the name of its field, making it Sporting Park.


The Associated Press sent an email to Livestrong on Tuesday night seeking comment.


Heineman's statement comes one day after Armstrong admitted during an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he used performance-enhancing drugs during an extraordinary cycling career that included seven Tour de France victories. The interview is scheduled to air Thursday.


ESPN was the first to report the name change.


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